Healing Spaces - Bring Harmony to Your Living Spaces
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“Thank you so much Maxine for your (Feng Shui) help the other day. I am exulting in my spacious house with all the room to breathe and see and think about new things, new adventures, new life. Truly – it feels like a miracle. You are so gifted in what you do. I am glad you’ve found yourself in this way.”
 ~ Elena, Seattle, WA (returning client)
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Kirkland Feng Shui clients asked for a follow-up phone consultation about three questions: 1) Whether a bunk bed or a trundle bed is best to buy for our 5-year-old daughter; 2) Where should (they) put a small fish tank in the house? and 3) What is a good placement for a small desk in their 8-year-old son’s room?
After the consultation, Ana wrote back: "Dear Maxine, …Thank you for your consultation advising me about my three questions. Your information helped to confirm my thoughts and to understand the Feng Shui around these questions. Thank you and take care!."
 ~ Ana and Sean, Kirkland, WA (returning clients)
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After giving a talk on “Altars Everywhere!” to the Seattle Chapter of the Feng Shui Guild, one member wrote: “On behalf of the Feng Shui Guild, I want to thank you Maxine for your talk on Altars Everywhere! at our May chapter meeting. Your talk reminded us of the importance of altars of beauty and inspiration to enhance and bless our lives and our spaces. ... I loved your personal stories especially about why and how you created the Blue Heron Altar. Now I’m motivated to make an altar in my home. I’ll send you a photo when it’s done!”
 ~ Cynthia, Feng Shui Guild member and Color Consultant, Seattle, WA
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“Maxine has an eye for beauty, an affinity for the sacred. One of her greatest attributes is her intuitive understanding of balance within a space and/or a person. After her work, one feels nurtured and more alive. Clarity and loveliness arrives, both within and without. The home becomes a true sanctuary."
 ~ Vhey Benet, Artist and Mother
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"After your (Altars Everywhere!) workshop, I felt happy and inspired about my life and career changes I need to make for myself. That's a new feeling for me."
 ~ Bev Chase, MA, LMHC
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"The thing I appreciated most about our Feng Shui session was how practical you were. You gave me suggestions that I could implement without major changes to my home and pocketbook. With just a few suggestions and a little moving around of my furniture I could immediately feel the difference in the house.
Thank you for your (Altars Everywhere!) presentation. I was all inspired afterwards and went right home and made a beautiful Buddha altar with a scarf I got in India, my wood Buddha and flowers to celebrate the summer full moon ... I was thinking of you the whole time. Blessings, Blessings to you!"
 ~ Karen Johannsen, Counselor and Reiki Healer
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"Dear Maxine - It was so great to have you assist me (with Feng Shui) the other day. I love the energy that you bring; It always feels so light, and free.  I love the altar you created, it ushers in healing and the possibilities of  fresh beginnings. There is an unseen, yet almost tangible shift after you do your healing aroma therapy work in my home.
I look forward to many more sessions with you and  feel privileged to have such a master as yourself, working with and instructing me. You facilitate shifts in me that allow even more creativity to flow into my life and work. You bring a unique mastery of various arts that opens the healing channel for all who enter my home.
Thank you for teaching me how to use whatever is available already in my home.  You remind me that I have enough, I do enough, I am enough." 
 ~ Anna M. Matysik, Mother, Teacher, Reiki Master and Angel Therapy Practitioner
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"I'm so glad I went to your talk - it was absolutely wonderful! Thanks for your ideas to help me create my special altar. I will send you a picture when I have it done! I'm really looking forward to your future classes ... and I would love to learn more Feng Shui too. So glad Jenn told me about your talk!"
 ~ Alison Miller, UW Nursing School
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"Astrology helped me to understand the seasons I was going through. It also warned me about a relationship I was getting into (you were so right!) Feng Shui helped me make my apartment feel more bright, nurturing and not so cluttered. Blessing and house clearing also helped to take the heavier memories out. Aroma therapy helped me through a hospital stay and recovery afterward. You are a nurturing soul and a beacon of love."
 ~ Christine Pechera, Writer and Cancer Survivor
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“One of the things that made my retail store unique were the altars around the space. We were a metaphysical store, so had many beautiful and spiritually-based items for sale, but we always maintained a special altar for peace and healing…global, local and personal.  Maxine served as our primary altar keeper and made sure that the energy was fresh and flowing. Her natural instincts and deep Feng Shui knowledge were an undeniable asset. Maxine has a gift for using what is on hand, so we rarely bought special props or decor for our altars.
People came into the store because they could 'feel the energy' and wanted to be in it.  We heard this over and over again. Our customers revisited the store and asked us to place a note or card on our altar. The ambience that Starfeather’s Gallery generated was warm, inviting and beautiful. It was enlivening. Altars of focused intent make a difference and Maxine Norton is a master at it."
 ~ Starfeather, Artist, Healer and former owner of Starfeather's Gallery in Edmonds
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“The studio was absolutely lovely. I am always amazed at what you do. It is subtle, thoughtful, and playful, reflective of what is happening ... a juxtaposition of color and shapes which celebrates what is there. Thanks for making magic with (your) knowledge of Feng Shui around the studio. You weave beauty!"
 ~ Annie Stocker, Owner of Two Dog Yoga Studio
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Maxine Shivaya Manning
P.O. Box 612
Edmonds, WA 98020
Telephone: 206-371-7763
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Copyright © 2008 - 2011 by Maxine Shivaya Manning - All Rights Reserved
Web Design by Heartwork for You